- Members must have a high cumulative GPA at the time of application and maintain that GPA through the school year.
- SOPHOMORES = 3.8 or higher
- JUNIORS = 3.7 or higher
- SENIORS = 3.6 or higher
- Members must take a rigorous schedule of classes
- At least FOUR "solids" (core subject classes) BOTH SEMESTERS
- NOTE: five solids one semester and three the other semester qualifies
- NOTE: three AP classes will count as four solids (AP Calculus still counts only as ONE AP course)
- Solids include the following classes:
- English
- Math
- Social Studies (history, sociology, psychology)
- Science
- World (Foreign) Languages
- AP classes (any subject; AP Calculus counts as ONE class)
- Academy (CTE) classes
- Concurrent Enrollment classes (any subject)
- Members must take at least one Honors or AP course.
- This course ALSO counts as one of your "solids"
- AP Calculus counts as ONE class
- Chapter members commit to complete at least 20 hours of service with our service partners and activities by the end of the school year.
- To remain a member in good standing (including seniors wearing cords at graduation), you MUST complete and report these hours.
- Members must have a 3.0 cumulative CPA or higher at the time of application and through the school year.
- Through our service contacts, we encourage our members to become individually responsible, motivated, community-minded citizens.
- Members schedule, arrange, track, and report their service hours on their own.